According to the insider, as long as the contract is not sighed, the works are not financed being performed "on the client's words". Due to this reason, general schedule of the sub's repair can be frustrated. "Regrettably, it is not a singular event", pointed out the interviewee. SSBN Yekaterinburg arrived at Zvezdochka for repairs by government's order and "at request of navy commander".
The submarine arrived in Severodvinsk for introductory repair on June 22, 2012. Scheduled repair of the sub was supposed to start in 2013; Yekaterinburg had passed overhaul and modernization at Zvezdochka in 2003. The sub's service period was extended then for 10 years.
It was decided to begin repair works on the submarine before the pre-scheduled date because of the fire occurred in Dec 2011. The sub's rubber coating and sonar system were damaged in the fire. In the nearest time, Zvezdochka experts will examine and troubleshoot SSBN Yekaterinburg; upon results of the examination, they will set period of repairs and the date of recommission.
Late in Apr 2012, Russian vice premier Dmitry Rogozin announced SSBN Yekaterinburg would return to the Navy in 2014, and her repair would be twice cheaper. As for him, the overhaul cost was reduced thanks to availability of sonar system Skat-BDRM.
Initially, the fire damage was valued at RUR 1 bln, but later on the sum was reduced down to RUR 600 mln. As is expected, the post-repair service period of the sub would last till 2019. Presently, Project 667BDRM submarines are the key component of Russia's maritime nuclear shield.
Source :rusnavy
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