Saturday, July 21, 2012

Syrian activists claim Assad’s forces used ‘toxic gas’ against civilians

Syrian activists from the city of Deir Ezzour have circulated a video on the internet of children they said were victims of toxic gas attacks by regime forces amid growing international concern about the country’s stockpiles of chemical weapons.

The activists reported cases of asphyxia due to what they said was toxic gas released by regime forces in the town on Friday.
The anti-regime activists also published a video explaining to people how to make masks that will protect them from airborne toxic gases. The mask forms a sealed cover over the nose and the mouth and also provides cover for the eyes.
Syrian activists explain the making of an air filter to protect against gas attacks by regime forces.
Syrian activists explain the making of an air filter to protect against gas attacks by regime forces.
On Monday, Nawaf Fares, who defected from his post as Syrian ambassador to Iraq, said in an interview with the BBC that he was “convinced” that Assad would draw on his stocks if cornered, according to AFP.

His comments were backed up by members of the rebel Syrian Free Army.

A few days earlier, the Wall Street Journal said that intelligence reports suggested some chemical weapons were on the move, although the reasons were unclear.

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