Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hezbollah Illustrates Iranian Attack on U.S. Aircraft Carrier

Nasr3The infographic simulates an attack on a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Strait of Hormuz using IRGC missiles, including the Nasr (3 ton cruise missile with anti-ship capabilities), Zafar (short range radar guided missile fired from swift watercraft), Khalij-e Fars (solid fuel ballistic missile with a range of 300 km), Saeqhe (a missile with a range of 300 km), Tondar (a ballistic missile fired from land), Qader (a cruise missile with a range of 200 km, designed for aircraft and watercraft), Noor (A surface-to-sea or sea-to-sea missile with a range of 170 km), and Kowsar (a surface-to-sea, sea-to-sea, and air-to-sea medium range, radar and TV guided missile).
The data is available in the original by clicking on each missile.
In the intro to the infographic, the author, Hadi Mousavi (a Shi'ite, judging by the name), mentions the 1986 Iranian threat to close the Strait of Hormuz during the Iran-Iraq War, when Iran's IRGC forces were up against an Iraqi force supported by the U.S. It should be mentioned that Iran did not close the strait during the war.
The publication of the infographic by Tehran's proxy, Hizbullah, indicates that the former, which is currently facing harsh sanctions, is attempting to convey threats to the international community through all available channels. The infographic was also published in French and Arabic.

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